bIl/b-ka??a u l-insib se jibqg?u ji?u pprattikati b?ala parti mit-tradizzjoni tag?na.? (Translation: ?What others had predicted regarding the end of hunting and trapping in spring did not materialise. Hunting and trapping will continue b...../b Even the landfill area at 'Mount bMaghtab/b' was once karstland / garigue with its own suite of species. A good percentage of trapping sites are located on privately-owned agricultural land (there is a strong misconception that a trapping ...
bIl/b-ka??a u l-insib se jibqg?u ji?u pprattikati b?ala parti mit-tradizzjoni tag?na.? (Translation: ?What others had predicted regarding the end of hunting and trapping in spring did not materialise. Hunting and trapping will continue b...../b Even the landfill area at 'Mount bMaghtab/b' was once karstland / garigue with its own suite of species. A good percentage of trapping sites are located on privately-owned agricultural land (there is a strong misconception that a trapping ...